December 2023 - January 16, 2024 - The Marion School District will have its general obligation bond vote ($6.5 million) on January 16th, 2024. A 60% majority is necessary for the bond to pass. Absentee voting is available at the Marion School, please contact the school for time/opportunities. Polling location for the bond vote is the Marion music room which can be easily accessed from the NE (new-gym entrance) doors. Take an immediate left upon entering the first set of doors to see the polling location. Any signage in opposition or support of the bond MUST be (by voting laws) at least 100 feet away from the polling location.
11/13/2023 - Marion's regularily scheduled school board meeting - The Marion School Board met last night, November 13th at 7:00PM. On the posted agenda was approval of a general obligation bond referendum in the amount of 6.5 million dollars for a proposed building project for the school. This bond referendum was approved on a 5-0 vote by the school board. The proposed project is slated to be 11.5 million dollars. Of that amount, 5 million dollars will be paid by the school from cash reserves on hand paired with funds that can be obtained from capital outlay certificates. This amount (the 5 million dollars) will have ZERO tax impact on the taxpayers of the Marion School District. The general bond referendum in the amount of 6.5 million dollars would impact the taxation levies (see the presentation at HERE outlining more infomration and the average tax increase for owner occupied/agriculture) and will need a 60% "yes" vote in a bond election. The Marion School District plans to hold the bond vote on Tuesday, January 16th, 2024. The general obligation bond resolution will be published in the minutes of the last meeting. Absentee ballot voting will begin on Friday, December 1st, 2023. Again, with the resolution passing last night, we will work to get you the information in a timely fashion. We encourage everyone to contact Mr. Brosnahan (605-648-3615-school or 605-376-1909-cell) to ask questions, and learn the facts of this project. It is our goal for all voters to have their questions answered in order to make an informed decision on how they'd like to vote for this project! Please reach out!
11/06/2023 - Marion's second public meetign was held on Monday the 6th of November. Prior to COOP Architect's presentation some Marion staff and school board members took approximately 20-25 community members on facility tours. We appreciate everyone that attended! Mr. Brosnahan, unfortunately, forgot to record the meeting but the slide presentation and final financial information can be seen HERE. Please contact Mr. Brosnahan at 605-648-3615 X-3 or on his cell phone at 605-376-1909 if you have questions or would like to speak further about the proposed project.
10/16/2023 - Marion's first public meeting was held on 10/26/2023. It was requested that the presentation be made available. Please click HERE to view the presented information. Additionally, a recording of the meeting is available on our YouTube channel (
09/10/2023 - The Marion School District's Master Planning initiative with Co-op Architects has helped us identify specific needs for continued growth and updates! We're excited to communicate more with you through this process and encourage you to call the school with any questions. Our second community meeting will be Monday, November 6th at 7:00PM in the new gymnasium with school-tours set to be held starting at 6. You can view Co-op's school board presentation here (this includes/outlines the financial impact/explanation as well): Marion Board Meeting 9/6/23 - COOP Architects Master Planning Presentation. - YouTube
02/01/2023 - 09/06/2023 - The Marion School Board, administration, staff, and community committees met on a number of occasions with COOP Architects to assess Marion's current facilities. Part of the process of Master Planning is to collectively work on identifying school/facility needs and intensively plan a potential vision for the building to help enhance usuability, education, exterior look, and spaces.
**Note - Photos of the project below are conceptual and the current plan could change based on building and community committee insight/input.