- FFA week continues.
- If you are registered for ACT please meet in Mrs. Yusella's room during lunch study hall.
- FCCLA meeting today during lunch in Mrs. Pankratz's room.
- American Legion Reps will be here tomorrow morning at 8;00 to talk about Boys and Girls State this summer.
- Sign up sheets for Track and Golf are in front of Denise's office.
- Wrestlers Sarah and Keaton will be leaving at 10:30 for state. We will have a send off at 10:20 threw the halls.
- Girls basketball is done for the season. The girls worked hard and improvement was shown. Can not wait until next year.
- Boys basketball Regions starts on Monday. Where we play and when has not yet been determined.
- No Birthdays
- Dates to Remember: February 23 - No School, March 1 - Help Day/Make up Day, March 8 - No School, March 15 - No School, March 21 - Spring Concert, March 22 - Help Day/Make up Day, March 29 - No School, April 1 - No School, April 5 - School will be in Session, April 12 - No School, April 12 - Prom
Have a great day.
Be Engaged and Respectful