Blood Drive is next Wednesday, April 17 noon to 6pm.
Football players wanting to play next year please sign up by the high school office.
Congrats to Alexa, Karley, and Lanae on making it to state FFA next weekend.
Prom is this Friday and grand march is at 6:30p.m.
FCA huddle meeting tomorrow at 7:30am.
All Juniors report to science room this morning to go decorate.
Middle School is testing again today.
Happy Birthday Caleb D.
Dates to Remember: April 12 - No School, April 12 - Prom, April 19 - No School, April 26 - Snow Make up Day, May 3 - No school, May 9 to May 10 - Musical, May 10 - Snow Make up Day, May 12 - Musical, May 17 - Last Day of School, May 18 - Graduation
Have a great day.
Be Engaged and Respectful