Monday Announcements
  • It is the last week of school.

  • AR field trip is going on today

  • A Middle school field trip is also going on today

  • Golf meet in Irene today.

  • School Board meeting tonight starting at 7:00

  • Wednesday there was going to be a FCCLA officer meeting during 5B. That will not be taking place at this time.

  • Students interested in running for Student Body President and Vice-President please make sure signs are up. Voting will happen on Wednesday.

  • Wednesday the smarter balance trip to Dave and Busters will be taking place.

  • Happy Birthday to Hadleigh Y. and Shanna H.

  • Dates to Remember: May 10 - Musical, May 10 - School is in session/Snow Make up Day, May 17 - Last Day of School, May 18 - Graduation

Have a great day.

Be Engaged and Respectful