The Marion School One Act troupe will be performing their play, "Furry Tails With a Twist," at the Region 3B One-Act Play Festival on Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2022. The show follows the adventures of Isabelle and Alexa, two bumbling actors trying desperately to present a few of the world's most beloved fairy tales. Unfortunately, their script becomes seriously scrambled and they perform "Goldisocks and the Three Wolves," "The Three Billy Trolls Gruff," and "The Three Little Bears," who end up battling the Big Bad Billy Goat to delay the decimation of their domiciles. Marion juniors Isabelle McConniel and Alexa Gortmaker lead the 19-member cast in entertaining the audience with humor, slapstick, and charm. The play will be presented to the Marion student body on Monday, Jan. 23 at 2:00. Stay tuned for an evening performance yet to be scheduled!
Isabelle McConniel - Isabelle
Alexa Gortmaker - Alexa
Jackson Donlan - Goldisocks
Finley McConniel - Papa Wolf
Macy Gortmaker - Mama Wolf
Caden Tieszen - Baby Wolf
Alex Larson-Klueber - Grumbledump
Emma McConniel - Little Troll
Leah Goodwin - Medium Troll/Bridge Troll
Turner Konda - Large Troll
Hadley Luke - Mama Bear
Kolter Schmidt - Bill Goat
Kallie Johnson - Crew/Bear #1/Mama Pig
Harli Ross - Crew/Bear #2/Papa Bear
Morgan Tieszen - Crew/Bear #3/Baby Bear
Sarah Cremer - Little Goat
Annaliese Olson - Medium Goat
Claire Donlan - Big Goat
Aaron Davis - Big Bad Wolf
Hailey Stahl
Caleb Downs
Hayden Schmidt
Mackenzie Hauck
Props Manager
Heidi Johnson
Sarah Schanzenbach
Nicolle Timmerman