Here is what the Marion School raised during the Student Council food drive this week. Great job students!!

Pictures from the junior high girls game last night vs. Sioux falls Lutheran!

Spanish Games!!

Wrestlers got new singlets this season! First practice tomorrow November 17th.

We had a wonderful Veteran's Day Program today! Following are a few pictures from the event.

Congratulations to the Seahawks Football Team! They will battle the Winner Warriors for the 11B Championship for the third consecutive year this Friday in Vermillion! Following is a link for tickets and shirts to support our team!
Tickets: https://goyotes.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetEventList?groupCode=SDHS&linkID=usd-athletics&shopperContext=&caller=&appCode
Shirts: https://https-sungoldsports-com.printavo.com/merch/seahawks-state-football-2021

Marion School will be holding a Veteran's Day Program on Thursday, November 11. The event will be held at 9:00 a.m. in the New Gym. The Marion FCCLA will also sell Zebra Donuts and offer Cherry Bean Coffee on November 11, from 6:45 a.m. until 8:00 a.m. If you would like to reserve donuts, please contact Anne Pankratz at either anne.pankratz@k12.sd.us or 605-648-3615 ext. 230. All proceeds will go to the Turner County Angel Tree.

The 5th-6th Grade Girls Volleyball Team took first place today at the tournament at Sioux Falls Lutheran!

Good Luck, Seahawks!

The Pink Night T-shirts have arrived and will be available for pickup in the school office. If you have not paid for your T-shirt, please make arrangement with Anne Pankratz (anne.pankratz@k12.sd.us or 605-648-3615) before your T-shirt can be picked up. Thanks!

Reminder tomorrow Friday, October 8th is Help Day from 8:30 am- 11:30 am. Your student must check in their office to get their temperature checked before going to visit teachers. If your student has a D, F or and incomplete grade they must attend Help Day.

Students dressed up for Homecoming Opposites Day.

We have a special guest coming to read to the kids about farm safety. We will do two groups P-2nd grade at 2:50-3:10 and then 3rd -5th from 3:15-3:35. Our special guest will be here on Thursday, Oct. 21 to read a book about Farm equipment safety. This will be held in the Old Gym.

We had an AMAZING Homecoming week! Thank you to everyone that participated in the Parade today! The pep rally was a blast! Mrs. Marsha and Ms. Amanda got pies in the face for reaching our After Prom goal and Mr. Leberman did the Leberman surprise!! Here are some pictures from our great day!